Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Computer Lab: Spanish

DIRECTIONS: today in the computer lab (passing students only - non-passing students stay in room and do makeup work).  Open each activity in a new tab.  Do not close any activities!  When you finish one, come back to this page and open the next activity in a new tab*.  Your grade will come from participation (being on task, minimal talking) and having 10 tabs with completed assignments visible on your computer.  Don't forget binder check and LOC Spain due next time.

*Not sure how to make a new tab?  Right click on the link and select "open link in new tab."

Activity 1
Activity 2
Activity 3
Activity 4
Activity 5
Activity 6
Activity 7
Activity 8
Activity 9
Activity 10

Done?  Check your grade (see text box to left) and talk with Ms. P if there are issues.

Words of the Day