Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Today, Spanish, A DAY

Howdy y'all,
1.  International Club meets this afternoon, after school in Mme. Johnson's room (next door to Ms.P)
2.  Today, we will work in groups of four to make a skit using the verb gustar.  Each person must use all object pronouns (there are 5) with gustar before the end of the skit.  Each person must use gustar with nouns AND infinitives.  You may use any vocabulary that is in the book or your notes.  Each group must turn in a script with the names of all participants. 
3.  Note Summary:  Parts of Speech, Subject Pronouns, SER, -ar verbs, object pronouns, gustar, numbers, days, months.  See "assignment explanations" at the bottom of this page if you are unclear how to complete a note summary.

Words of the Day