Friday, November 12, 2010

Today, A day, Spanish: Computer Lab

BINDER CHECK TODAY.  Ms. P will call you up individually to check the binder and tell you your average.  Make sure you have taken all your notes, have all returned work, and have 3 dividers: Admin (empty) Notes (full of notes) and Graded/Returned (everything I've given back to you EVER).

Passing students: Make sure to open each activity in a new TAB, not a new window.  Do not move on to new activities until you get a perfect score on the one before.  Call me over for any questions, or when you finish all activities. Scroll down to Activity 1 and begin.
Failing students: do not do the following activities until Ms. P says you are passing.  Still haven't done the online quizzes?  They are so late!  But you can still take care of it by clicking here.

Activity 1
Activity 2
Activity 3
Activity 4
Activity 5
Activity 6
Activity 7
Interesting fact

Words of the Day