Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Today, Spanish, A day

1: Quick notes: Tener idioms and conjugation of the verb Venir (e --> ie)
Tener que + inf = to have to (do something)
Tener ganas de inf = to feel like (doing something)
Tener prisa = to be in a rush
Tener hambre = to be hungry
Tener sed = to be thirsty

Venir (e -> ie) - to come
Yo vengo, tú vienes, él/ella/ud viene, nosotros venimos, ellos/ellas/uds vienen.

2.  Into notes also: C&T 132-133 all words in negrilla.
3.  Assignment (will be graded in class): p 127, act 13 (write out sentences), 16 (numbers only), and 21 (write out whole paragraph).
4.  We discussed what to do if you have a 0 for your online quiz grades.

Words of the Day