Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Today, Spanish

1.  Project is due Novemeber 18... next time I see you! (Thursday)

 2. Assignment: "Las Estaciones": divide a sheet of paper into quadrants.  In each quadrant, list the name of a season, the months that are included in that season, a picture, one sentence telling what the weather is like in that season, and one sentence telling what you like to do in that season ("Me gusta...").  Also include one sentence telling what you don't like to do during that season ("No me gusta..."). Scroll down for a good example.
Hace frío.
It's cold.
Hace calor.
It's hot.
Hace viento.
It's windy.
Hace sol.
It's sunny.
Hace buen tiempo.
The weather is good.
Hace mal tiempo.
The weather is bad.
Hace fresco.
It's brisk.

Words of the Day