Thursday, February 24, 2011

Today, computer lab

Computer Lab Instructions:  Do not advance from one activity to the next until the previous is completed with 100% accuracy.  Keep activities open in separate tabs.  You may use online translators, but if you are seen on an email/game/etc. site, you will be dismissed from the lab.  If you become frustrated with one activity you can start another, but make sure you come back to finish the first one.  Once you have finished all 6 activities, call me over to review the tabs.  If you did indeed succeed, I will add 5 points to your lowest grade.

*No online quizzes may be done in the lab today.  They LATE at this point and you must do them on your own time.  Make sure to email me at to let me know when you complete them (it will be out of a 70 instead of the grade showed to you which is out of 100%.*

Are you awesome, or do you just need a mental break from Spanish?  Try to solve this puzzle.

Do this before the others
Activity 1
Activity 2
Activity 3
Activity 4
Activity 5
Done? Click here and learn how to deal with preterites for ER/IR verbs!


Activity 1
Activity 2
Activity 3
Activity 4
Activity 5

Words of the Day