Thursday, March 10, 2011

1.  Notes, two presentations.  Click here and here.
2.  Conjugation Fun Time assignment.  See below.
3.  Label notes section of binder.  Read each page of notes, and on the side of the page give a short title (written laterally).  The goal is to create rudimentary filing system to better access specific concepts in your notes.
4.  I called up students individually to see grades for this six weeks.

How to Get out of Quicksand... Mont St Michel
American Cemetary in Normandy
Tour the Versailles Gardens

American Grave.  Si vous ne pouvez pas regarder le video maintenant, regardez-le chez vous.
Side view of Mont St Michel en Normandie.
Auschwitz memorial at Pere la Chaise (a famous cemetery in Paris).  The inscription reads: "When the killing stops, they will be avenged."

Words of the Day