Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Today, B day

1)  Roll call with "conocer" and direct object pronouns.
2)  Querido Hermanito, volume 2, including the usage/formation/examples of each of the following:

  • subject pronouns
  • direct object pronouns
  • reflexive pronouns
  • indirect object pronouns
  • regular preterite
  • irregular preterite
  • present progressive
3)  Put that assignment in your binder, to be checked during our binder check next time. 

Be ready for Binder Check next time!  We learned about the 16 verbs that use "être" in the passé composé instead of "avoir."  These constructions require gender and number agreement in their past participles.  We came up with our own personal mnemonic devices to remember these 16 verbs.  They are:
  • Devenir
  • Revenir
  • Mourir
  • Rester
  • Sortir
  • Venir
  • Aller
  • Naître
  • Descendre
  • Entrer
  • Rentrer
  • Tomber
  • Retourner
  • Arriver
  • Monter
  • Partir

Be ready for Binder Check next time!

    Words of the Day