Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Today, A day

We took notes on classroom directions, then parts of speech.
Don't forget that language autobiographies were due today, and signed syllabus papers are due next time.
Class directions:

I will say…
That means…
Lo que vamos a hacer hoy es…
What we are going to do today is…
Necesitamos los libros hoy.
We need the books today.
¿Acabaste? (Sí, no)
Did you finish? (Yes, no)
Deben entregarmelo el…
You must turn it in to me (it’s due) on…
Silencio, por favor, siéntense
Be quiet please, sit down.
Ponlo en tu cuaderno.
Put it in your binder (don’t turn it in).
¿Comprenden?  Puedo continuar? (Sí, no)
Do you understand?  Can I move on?
¿Listos? (Sí, no)
Are you ready?
Que tengan un buen día.
Have a nice day.
No te olvides…
Don’t forget…
Tienen que, hay que, or deben…
You need to, it is necessary, you must
Escribe una frase complete.
Write a full sentence.
Solamente la respuesta.
Just the answer/ answers only.
Es facil; es complicado.
It’s easy; it’s complicated.
Buenos días.
Good morning, good day
Vamos a tomar apuntes.
We are going to take notes.
So, therefore

Parts of speech notes:

Words of the Day