Monday, August 29, 2011

Today, A day

1.  Activity 1: Basic conjugation practice (of you missed this or did poorly and need to redo it, see the bottom of this post).
2.  Notes and practice: numbers
3.  Notes and practice: stem-changing verbs
4.  Using Gustar: notes and practice
5.  New assignments:  Online Quiz 1 and Folleto Turistico (directions under quiz).
6.  We got our chapter 1 review packets today.

Online Quiz 1:
When entering your name, PUT YOUR PERIOD NUMBER BEFORE YOUR LAST NAME.  Example:
John Smith would enter his name like this if he were in 3rd period
Project: Folleto Turistico (Tourist brochure)

 In class Activity 1:
Conjugate the following verbs in the present tense.  You may use your notes.
1.  Escuchar (to listen)
2.  Leer (to read)
3.  Sacudir (to shake)
4.  Ser (to be)

Words of the Day