Friday, September 30, 2011

Today, B day

Today will follow the advisory period bell schedule.
  • Turn in any late work, today is the last day of the 1st six weeks.
  • Assignment: Make 24 labels for the following vocabulary words around your house.  Must have Spanish, English, and a colored illustration.  This is a class participation grade.  Take the labels home and place them in their correct places around your home.  You must include the article in front of the word (which shows if the word is masculine or feminine).  Example shown under words.
  1. The bed
  2. A chair
  3. A table
  4. The door
  5. The window
  6. The floor
  7. The rug
  8. The lamp
  9. The television
  10. The kitchen
  11. The kitchen sink
  12. The ceiling
  13. A glass/a cup
  14. A dish
  15. The bathroom
  16. The bathroom sink
  17. The bathtub
  18. The toilet
  19. The nightstand
  20. The wall
  21. A plant
  22. A mirror
  23. A chest of drawers
  24. The stove

Words of the Day