Friday, September 9, 2011

Today, A day

1.  Online Quiz 1 is late, you must now email me ( when you finish it in order for your grade to be counted (it will be a late grade, meaning 30 points will be taken from the grade you submit).Folleto Turistico is due 9/28. (see #5)
2.  Actividad 4:
  • List 4 reflexive verbs in Spanish + English, you do not need to conjugate them.
  • Translate and conjugate "Despertarse" (e > ie) (to wake up).
  • Translate to Spanish: Sara likes her friends.
3.  Libros: p22 act 23, p25 act 28, p27 act 32.  Full sentences.  Read the "repaso" sections on the facing pages for help with these activities.
4.  Acabaste temprano? Lean la pagina p 402 -->
5. Project: Folleto Turistico (Tourist brochure)
Due date: Tuesday 9/27 for B day, Weds 9/28  for A day
1) Choose a city or region to focus on from the online textbook dropdown menu.  MUST BE FROM TEXT BOOK.
2)  Desgin a brochure, using the Spanish information from the book and translate that into English.  Include facts, things to see and things to do.  Each part must be in English and in Spanish!
3)  You may use the internet for graphics and pictures, but ONLY use information that is stated in the book.
40 points for design and originality
40 points for writing and information
20 points for presentation

Words of the Day