Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Project 2: Mi Referencia de Verbos

For each of the following verbs, design an entry in a reference book including the present conjugation, preterite conjugation, informal and formal affirmative and negative commands, present participle, past participle, and the imperfect conjugation. Will count for 2 project grades and several other grades as deemed appropriate. 
  1. Abrir - to open
  2. Acabar - to finish
  3. Acordarse - to remember (o > ue)
  4. Acostartse - to go to bed (o > ue)
  5. Andar - to walk
  6. Beber - to drink
  7. Buscar - to look for
  8. Caer - to fall (igo in yo)
  9. Cambiar - to change
  10. Comer - to eat
  11. Comprar - to buy
  12. Conocer - to know (zco in yo)
  13. Creer - to believe
  14. Dar - to give (doy, das, etc.)
  15. Decir - to say (go in yo, e > i)
  16. Despertarse - to wake up (e > ie)
  17. Dormir - to sleep (o>ue, irr. pret.)
  18. Entender - to understand (e > ie)
  19. Escribir - to write (past participle escrito)
  20. Estar - to be (irr. pret.)
  21. Hablar - to speak
  22. Hacer - to do, to make (go in yo, irr pret., irr. command, irr. participle)
  23. Intentar - to try
  24. Ir - to go (all irr.)
  25. Jugar - to play (u > ue)
  26. Leer - to read
  27. Llamar - to call
  28. Llegar - to arrive (yo pret. llegué)
  29. Matar - to kill
  30. Mentir - to lie (e > ie)
  31. Morder - to bite (o > ue)
  32. Morir - to die (o > ue)
  33. Nadar - to swim
  34. Necesitar - to need
  35. Oír - to hear (all irr.)
  36. Pagar - to pay (preterite yo pagué)
  37. Pedir - to ask for (e > i)
  38. Pensar - to think (e > ie)
  39. Perder - to lose (e > ie)
  40. Poder - to be able (o > ue)
  41. Poner -to put (go in yo, irr. pret, irr. informal +)
  42. Querer - to want (e > ie)
  43. Reír - to laugh
  44. Saber - to know (irr. yo form and pret.)
  45. Salir - to go out, to leave (go in yo)
  46. Tener - to have (go in yo, e > ie)
  47. Torcer - to twist
  48. Traer - to bring (igo in yo)
  49. Venir - to come (go in yo, e > ie)
  50. Ver - to see

Need to see an example?  Check out the great work from Jonathan from 8th period:

    Words of the Day