Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Day 2 of Ethics class

In class: 

1. Name cards visible
2. Homework discussion in small groups: libraries, auctions
3. Notes: ethical frameworks
4. Practice: positive or negative, violation or no violation, deontological vs. consquentialist
5. Homework for next time (below).

Positive or negative right? Violation or not?

  1. All students have free education options from Kindergarten to 12th grade.
  2. A man stands in a park and lists reasons why we are all going to hell.
  3. A man screams “FIRE!” in a crowded theater when there is no fire.
  4. The right to health care.
  5. The right to a good job.
  6. The right to go to any church you choose.
  7. The right to post a blog entry complaining about your job.
  8. A woman refuses to let police officers who are searching her neighborhood for an escaped fugitive into her home.
  9. The right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
  10. The right to use marijuana.
  11. The right to live in a decent home, regardless of income.
  12. The right to have employees work in a warehouse with no windows and poor ventilation.
  13. I anonymously post a sign in front of a dry cleaning store that competes with mine, saying that this place is responsible for ruining all of the clothes I brought them - although that didn’t really happen.
  14. I post an online review about dry cleaning store that competes with mine, and say this place is responsible for ruining all of the clothes I brought them - although that didn’t really happen.

Deontological or consequentialist?

15. It is wrong to drive one’s car on the left side of the road in a country where people normally drive on the right.

Homework: a) apply vocabulary learned today to your paper due next time. b) Discussion question 1.26. Following a debate among political candidates during a campaign, you quietly record video of candidates talking with individuals from the audience. One candidate, responding sympathetically to a person complaining about his an insurance company handled his claim, says, “All insurance company executives should be shot.” Another candidate, talking with a person who is angry about illegal immigration, says, “Anyone sneaking across the border illegally should be shot.” Another candidate, sprawled on a chair in the back of the room, is snoring. And a fourth, a man, invites an attractive woman back to his hotel to continue their conversation over drinks. Discuss the ethics of posting videos of the candidates’ comments or behavior on the web. give reasons in favor of posting and reasons not to post. Which, if any, would you post? To what extent should, or would, your support or opposition of the candidate affect your decision? c) read Chapter 2 in the textbook.

Words of the Day