Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Today, B day

1.  Actividad 2:
  • Fully conjugate almorzar (o>ue)
  • List all indirect object pronouns and their English translations
  • Translate to English: "A mi mama le gusta escuchar musica."
  • Fully conjugate poder (o>ue)
  • Give the Spanish equivalent for "He can" ("He is able").
2.  Online Quiz 1 is late, you must now email me (apotasznik@dallasisd.org) when you finish it in order for your grade to be counted (it will be a late grade, meaning 30 points will be taken from the grade you submit).
3.  Notes:  irregular yo forms (go in yo + saber:

él, ella, Usted
ellos, ellas, ustedes
4.  Read pages 6,7, 8, 14, and 37 in the book.
5.  Complete: p 15, activities 14 and 15, full sentences.6.  Dont forget, your project is due 9/27.

Words of the Day