Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Today, A day

Packets due at end of period.
1.  No te olvides: project due 9/28 (see #5)
2.  Online Quiz 1 is late, you must now email me ( when you finish it in order for your grade to be counted (it will be a late grade, meaning 30 points will be taken from the grade you submit).
3.   Assignment due today: Querido Hermanito letter.  Explain the following things in very simple terms, make sure you give all examples in Spanish and give a visual aid to each concept.
  • Subject Pronouns
  • Conjugation
  • Stem-changing verbs
  • Reflexive verbs
  • Indirect Object pronouns + Gustar
4.  Today is the last day to turn in any "Yo" assignments that weren't completed last time for an on-time grade.

5.  Project; Project: Folleto Turistico (Tourist brochure)

Words of the Day